Not-your-average wedding photography & films for
(weird-AF) humans in love.

Why settle for wedding snaps when you can also

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Holy shit, you’re getting hitched!

And since you’ve landed *here*, I’m gonna guess that you’re not chasing the average cookie-cutter wedding photography and videography stuff.

Oooh, I like you already...

Dream Cave has been voted* Ballarat’s Raddest Wedding Photography and Videography Studio for Quirky, Loved-Up Humans Who Don’t Do Boring.

(*by my besties)

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 What’s your vibe,

My heart went boom when I crossed that room…

I just want your extra time and your kiss…

Never gonna give you up…


Hunka-hunka burnin’ love

This is where you're probably expecting an epic romantic story about how I fell in love with capturing weddings before riding off into the sunset, camera in hand...

The real-life version? I had a boring-AF day job that sucked, so I quit.

Since then, I’ve chased my dream of doing all this (*gestures around*) on my own non-traditional terms while filming epic celebrations for other unorthodox couples right here in Ballarat - and beyond.

 That’s what they said…

Very cool words from even cooler people that I definitely didn’t pay, bribe, beg, or blackmail. (Nope, not at all.)


Looking for the shortcut to the happily-ever-after part?


 Not to toot my own horn* too loud,
but you may have SEEN me ‘round.

*Toot toot*

 Want the insider scoop on getting froth-worthy wedding photos?

Grab some new undies and download my hot tips.